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Paid Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs

The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John operate a paid breakfast and afterschool club for parents who work.  This is an exciting provision for the children who attend and is run by the following school staff:


Miss Jordan - School Business Manager

Mrs Leech - Breakfast and Afterschool Club  (Senior Playworker/Lead Supervisor)

Mrs Clarke - Breakfast Club Playworker

Mrs McNeill - Afterschool Club Playworker


All of our staff are trained to work in the clubs and hold the appropriate level food hygiene certificates, which are on display in the cabin.  The cabin is located in the playground in KS2.  This provision is self funding and does not rely on any school delegated budget.  There is great demand for this provision and it may not always be possible to allocate all requested provision.  School can only allocate for a term in advance.  Payment is required in advance - booking forms with full information is available in the second half term for the next termly provision. 

School is registered for those who wish to access the government tax-free childcare facility.  Tax-Free Childcare is an online payment account, topped up by the government, which parents can use solely to pay their childcare costs.  for every £8 that families pay in, the government will make a top-up payment of £2, up to a maximum of £2,000 per child.  To be eligible, parents must be in work (including self-employment) and each earning at least £120.00 per week and not more than £100,000 per year.

Parents can search for our school via the childcare provider checker by visiting:  and the school regulator reference number/Unique Reference Number is 105964.

School is also registered to accepted payments from existing workplace accounts set up with the following childcare schemes:

>  Edenred                ~ School ID   P20804013

>  Computershare   ~ School ID  18621243

For the above, payments are made directly by the parent to the school bank account, in line with school given deadlines.


When are the clubs open?

Breakfast Club:                         Afterschool Club:

7:30am ~ 8:55am                      3:15pm ~ 5pm


Breakfast Club

Children are not allowed to arrive at the club unattended - parents must accompany them to the cabin doors and ensure their child is safely delivered to a staff member.  If they have not already eaten at home,  children wishing to have breakfast must arrive by 8:10am.   They will be offered a healthy breakfast - cereal is always available, toast on limited days, or yoghurt.  Fruit is always available, as is fresh milk or water.  Staff will take all children (Reception to year 6 only) to Morning Move at 8.30am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays and supervise them during this fun dance and exercise session .  All pupils in the club are taken to their classrooms at 8.55am for registration and lesson commencement.  The staff are trained and very experienced teaching assistants.

All queries regarding breakfast club can be made to the School Business Manager Miss L Jordan or Paid Clubs Supervisor Mrs Leech.


After School Club

The children participate in a fantastic array of planned activities in the after-school club - they learn about specific topics, for example - life in the sea, animals of the artic, healthy eating, gardening, use of ICT - to name but a fraction and all age-appropriate.  There are many craft activities and all the children spend some fun time extending their number knowledge (Times Table Rockstars!) and enjoy dedicated reading time. In the warmer months, lots of outside games and activities are the order of the day building teamwork and resilience.  The staff are trained and very experienced teaching assistants.  The children are provided with a snack and plenty of fruit and fresh water - healthy minds, health bodies!  As a school we feel it is important to continue to promote in the clubs, as in school, our children to be the best that they can be at all times equipping them to succeed in life.

All queries regarding afterschool club can be made to the School Business Manager Miss L Jordan or Paid Clubs Supervisor Mrs Leech.




School is ever aware of all things safeguarding, and so there are some rules that parents need to know about and abide by - please read below the clubs rules and procedures policy.  This is not an exhaustive list, and parents are asked to sign their acknowledgement if allocated any provision.   Any queries/clarification should be directed to Miss Jordan or Mrs Bailey.


Paid Breakfast and Afterschool Club Provision

Information for Parents


  1.  My child has been allocated paid breakfast/afterschool club provision – I understand and will follow the policies of the school in relation to this club.
  2. I understand that this provision is a play setting provided before and after school, and that The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary is legally responsible for my child whilst attending.


    3.  I understand that my child will be offered breakfast between 7..30am and 8.10am and that a snack will be provided in the afterschool 

        club (this is not a meal replacement) and that all food provided has been considered for nutritional value.  My child will be required to drink

        water in the club to keep hydrated.  I can request information on the available menus at any time from the club staff. 

        The club staff have undertaken a certified food hygiene course.


    4.  It is my responsibility to ensure the club Senior Playworker – Mrs Leech, or the school office is kept informed of any changes relating to my

        child in respect of allergies/medical issues.


    5.  I accept that my child my take part in messy activities and whilst every care will be taken to keep uniform clean, it may not always be



    6.  I understand that whilst attending this provision the club is not responsible for any loss or damage to my child’s property – the club will

        always be mindful to take care of anyone’s property.


    7.  If my child has an accident, they will be treated by a qualified first aider and I will be informed as soon as possible. Medicines cannot be

         administered unless a school permission form has been completed and signed by the Head teacher.

    8.  I understand that I must collect my child no later than the closing time of 5pm and will inform school if someone other than me will be

         collecting them and that the staff will not allow them to leave otherwise. 


Signed: ______________________________  Name (print) : _______________________


  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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