We have been learning about our local area and how to read maps. We looked at all the different symbols and different types, Ariel and ordnance survey maps. Using our new knowledge and skills our school grounds were explored and our own maps created.
Using different sources of research such as globes, atlases, thermal maps, non fiction books and the internet, the children were able to write a fact sheet about hot and cold countries. They looked at the location, is it near or on the Equator, the North Pole or the South Pole? The children wrote about animals they might see, whoa the climate would be like and any physical or human features they may see.
"Africa is very hot because it is near the Equator." Says Phoenix. "You need a hat and cream to live there." "Penguins live in the South Pole." Says George. "Antarctica is the coldest place in the world." Eryk says.
Using books and the internet we collected lots of information about the famous landmark In the United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace. We know it is a human feature because people built it, It has a cliniic, a post office, a cash machine and a swimming pool! We shared the information with Mrs Mc Fadden and she wrote the facts down, we wanted to find out other facts and needed her help!
How many visitors have been to Buckingham Palace?
How big is Buckingham Pakace?
What flowers are in the garden?
The internet was able to answer these questions and Mrs Mc Fadden added them to our fact sheet.
Next time we are going to research a physical landmark in the United Kingdom.