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Keeping Children Safe

At Cathedral School:


  • All buildings on one level and all doors wide enough for wheelchair access.
  • A disabled toilet with changing room and shower facilities.
  • A microphone system is used during assemblies.
  • One disabled car parking space is available in our car park.
  • Curbs are levelled to allow full access to wheelchairs and prams.
  • Our site is appropriately risk-assessed daily and fire alarm tests are carried out weekly.
  • All staff are responsible for the health and safety of our children and we operate a “see something, say something” approach to any damage.
  • All staff and children are trained in fire safety procedures.


  • Safeguarding policies are strict at Cathedral School. They include:


Face to face handovers at the start and end of the day;

Children are unable to walk home alone or with another adult unless school are informed; this must be agreed on via the Headteacher.


Our secure fencing ensures that visitors must report to reception to gain access to the site and also upon arrival.


Parents with children in the Foundation Stage may accompany their child in to class and stay for a short time.


If children are late, i.e. after class doors are closed, they must arrive through the front entrance.


If a child is absent, our Learning Mentor calls home to check for the reason of absence.


No child should be left unsupervised at any time, including lunch and break times.


You can find details of any policies on our school website.

  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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