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Welcome to the Reception Class page of our school website.

We hope that it gives you an insight into the wonderful learning that takes place within our Foundation Stage unit.

The class team consists of Mrs Hamer, Mrs Culkin, Miss Osborn and of course, our wonderful children.







What an exciting time we had today (Friday 7th July) as we released our butterflies. Three weeks ago, we received a parcel and inside were 10 tiny caterpillars.  For the past 3 weeks, we have watched the caterpillars grow, become Chrysalides and finally emerge as beautiful butterflies. The children watched in amazement as the butterflies adapted to their natural environment and eventually flew away. 



 What a fantastic time we had when we visited Smithills farm recently. We were able to take part in a range of activities such as feeding the goats and giving milk to the baby lambs. We saw how new technology is used to help the farmer with his daily work. A new robot called Rusty automatically milks the cows and operates 24 hours a day and it was really interesting to see how this worked. We even had time to go on a very bumpy tractor ride before setting off back to school. Needless to say there weren't many children still awake as we headed home after our very busy day down on the farm.




More pictures of our day at the farm!

The Foundation Unit have had an 'egg-citing' two weeks looking after a special delivery. Ten eggs arrived and it was our job to look after them. We put them in an incubator to keep warm and three days later, out of the eggs hatched ten fluffy chicks. We have had a great time looking after them and watching them grow.




Easter Hat Parade

To celebrate the joy of Easter, children in the Foundation Unit took part in their very own Easter Hat Parade. A big thank you to all the parents who demonstrated their creative talents by producing a fantastic array of hats. 




Every Wednesday, parents are invited into class from 2.45pm to choose library books with their children to share at home. The library is proving a huge success and we are definitely creating a class of 'book worms'. Books are available to borrow for one week. We kindly ask that they be returned on a Wednesday morning so that we can get the library ready again for later that day. We hope both children and parents  are enjoying sharing the books and in doing so, we hope that children will develop a life-long love of reading.




'Can Do' music

On Thursday 16th March, parents were invited into school to join a music session that was delivered by Sue Mann, a music specialist and co-ordinator of the 'Can Do' project. All children in the Reception Class have a weekly 'Can Do' music session. The session allows children to develop their musical abilities in a lively, fun and engaging way. It has been wonderful to see the children's musical skills, confidence and self-esteem develop during the year. A big thank you to all those parents who attended. I'm sure you will agree, we have a talented group of children here in the Reception Class.

Wow...what an amazing array of outfits were on show on Thursday when the children dressed up as their favourite characters to celebrate 'World Book Day'. As you can see from the photographs, they all looked amazing!

Many of the children also took part in our school 'book in a box' competition, and we are pleased to announce the winner was Adriano who created The Gruffalo story within his box. Runners-up were Noelia who created The Very Hungry Caterpillar story in her box and Heidi whose box depicted the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A big thank-you to all those who took part.






Making pancakes

Reception children had a ‘flipping great time’ on Tuesday as they made pancakes

to celebrate Shrove Tuesday or ‘pancake day’ as it is more widely known.

The children then decided what their favourite topping was before tucking in.

However, there is now a problem...what happened to Mrs Culkin’s pancake?

Did somebody eat it? Did it run away? Or is there a pancake robber lurking somewhere in school?

We are on a mission to find out!






The Christmas Market came to the Foundation Unit on the 2nd December 2016. The children had lots of fun creating things to sell for CAFOD.  A big thank you to all parents for their support.  We are delighted to say that we raised magnificent sum of £128.70.  The children have decided to buy a goat and some chickens for the developing community overseas.  Once again a huge thank you to all who came to support the event.



People who help us...

On Tuesday 15th November 2016 we were visited by two very special guests.  Firstly, we welcomed Mr Wheeler, our caretaker. He talked to us about his job and informed us of all the jobs he does to keep the school running smoothly.  He invited us to help him collect the leaves in order to make the grass tidier and safer to walk on. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and requested to work with Mr Wheeler again very soon!


Later, Miss Henley 'flew in' to talk to us about her job as an Air Hostess. The children joined in and were very excited to learn all about what an Air Hostess does.  Miss Henley took the children on a 'journey' across the sky to Africa.  She invited a selection of children to take on the roles of 'Cabin Crew' and 'Pilots' and were even instructed to ask the 'passengers' if they requested, "chicken or beef?" as they walked down the aisle. 


Reception would like to thank Miss Henley and Mr Wheeler for visiting us and we hope to see you again soon.

The link below is a useful tool for parents and children to help pronounce  phonic sounds (phonemes) correctly.  By doing this, children will be able to read and write with greater ease. 



  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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