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Year 5


Welcome from year 5

Our trip to the National Football Museum, with the Premier league trophy!

A warm welcome to Year 5 of 2021-2022.   

We have had an amazing start to the year, if the children continue to show the great attitude and positivity, I know the rest of the year will be amazing.

Just a few little reminders: 

Children will take part in PE sessions every Wednesday. The children will need their full PE kit on this day.
Any books, packed lunch or P.E kits should be brought in a plastic bag with your child’s name on.

Children must read every night and it is encouraged that your child reads a variety of different books including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Homework will be given out on Friday to be handed in the following Tuesday. 
Spellings  are to be given out on  a Monday for a spelling test, two weeks later, on Friday.


For the Queen's Platinum Jubilee we took part in a jubilee draw along with Steve Antony , author and illustrator of the series of books The Queen's hat, The Queen's handbag, The Queens present and The Queens Lift-off ( some of which we remember reading in year 2).  We used his style to create our own pictures. Take a look and see what you think.


Welcome to the Year 5 Team
Exploring Boudicca Through Drama
These are the final freeze frames we created to show how different groups of people felt before Boudicca's rebellion against the Romans in 60AD.
Here is a slideshow of the preparation work we did. We explored the different groups of people at the time - traders, Celtic farmers, slaves, Roman soldiers, the Roman Governor (Tiber) and the Iceni tribal leader (Boudicca) - and thought about how they would feel about each other and current events in Britain.

Using Sticks to Create Polygons

As part of our celebration of The Promise, year 5 used sticks to help them reason about 2D shapes. After making different shapes, they identified its name and explained how they knew by describing its properties.
Writing Leaf Poetry
Inspired by watching The Promise, year 5 wrote some incredibly creative Haiku poems, using personification and description to bring the leaves to life!
  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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