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CAFOD Summer of Hope 2020

Calling Our Cathedral School Community!

CAFOD Summer of Hope 2020


This summer, like never before, we are called to be signs of hope for our world. You and your family can make this a Summer of Hope and help bring clean water and food to some of the poorest families in the world, during this global emergency. 


Your action can mean fewer families have to ask: “How do I keep my child safe if we don’t have water for handwashing?”


What can I do?


You and your family are invited to be part of a Summer of Hope to ensure clean water and food reaches some of the poorest families in the world during this global emergency.

Recreate at home the events you will miss this summer and have fun transforming them into a sign of hope through raising money for CAFOD’s Coronavirus Appeal.


  • School sports day cancelled? Hold one in your back garden!

  • Summer fayre postponed? Play ‘guess the sweets in the jar’ or ‘treasure hunt’ online!

  • Missing out on a summer BBQ? Get together on Zoom and share your cooking tips!


However you celebrate the summer, make it hopeful. And give what you can to help us to provide care and sanitation to the vulnerable across the world who need it the most.


How can I get involved?


1. Find your activity in CAFOD's A-Z of fundraising ideas.

2. Start collecting sponsors and set up your JustGiving page

3. Hold your socially-distanced event with your family, our school community or parish.

4. Tag your photos with @cafod #summerofhope.

5. Pay in your donations through JustGiving, or the CAFOD website



What your donation can buy


Buy a hygiene pack

£6 can buy a hygiene package for vulnerable family containing soap, washing powder and reusable face masks.


Provide education for a child

£12 can buy text books, exercise books and pencils for a child to continue their education despite school closures.


Buy PPE for a clinic

£127 can provide full personal protective equipment for a nurse or doctor at a health clinic or hospital.


  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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