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The aim of our curriculum “is not merely the attainment of knowledge but the acquisition of values and the discovery of the truth."

(The Catholic School Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education)


At the Cathedral School of St Peter and St John our curriculum is designed to give all our children the fuel to drive to future successes. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we provide our children with opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. Through a combination of learning techniques, we develop their curiosity, aspiration and resilience to fulfil our mission of


Growing together within God’s loving family,

we support, challenge and inspire each other

to become the best that we can be.


We recognise that all children should be challenged by meeting their specific needs, building on their learning mistakes and celebrating successes. Our curriculum will give the children the confidence to believe they can achieve; enabling them to find their gifts within and fulfil their divine potential.

 Our distinct curriculum design will also include learning opportunities that support our values and reflect our local community.  We will embrace the flexibility of our curriculum by responding to current issues of the developing world around us enabling our children to gain skills for an ever changing world - emphasising the breadth of sklills necessary to prepare our children comprehensively for the 21st century global citizenship and life. It will create happy, healthy, critical thinking, caring social children who will become collaborative, competent and responsible citizens of tomorrow.







The staff of our school contribute to the design of the curriculum which means that they all have an understanding of their role within the school. Staff are kept up-to-date with current pedagogy which is then effectively drawn upon within the classroom and the school in general. Our staff value the different ways in which children learn and plan lessons to account for these differences. We give the children a variety of cross-curricular opportunities to apply their learning to embed key concepts in their long-term memory (sticky learning). The teachers aspire that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards. Teachers draw upon formative and summative assessments to check children’s understanding which informs teaching and learning. This addresses misconceptions and provides clear feedback for children to then build on and improve their learning.

Creativity being at the heart of everything we do weaves its way through all the many subjects we teach.

Visits to the many different places of interest excite, enhance and inspire teaching and learning at Cathedral School. Visits to art galleries, museums, parks, farms, theatres, libraries and castles bring learning to life. Expertise shared by the many different creative practitioners helps to create a vibrant learning environment for all who come to our school. Children are encouraged to question, to explore, to research and to be involved in aspects of planning what they learn.

Pupil progress meetings take place in October, February and July. Parents are expected to come and meet with the teachers to discuss their child’s progress.

If you want to find out any more about our curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher. 

  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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