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Classopoly Attendance and Punctuality

11th November 2022

School has achieved amazing attendance this week - and we need this to increase our overall attendance level which is just below the 96% required.  Our Classopoly attendance assembly today was fantastic with most classes achieving great attendances, including both the Reception class and year 3 who reached the 100% gold standard this week - well done the both of those classes (2 plays of the board) and all the others who played the board today.  Rewards on the way include:  two classes won a non-uniform day, there is extra-IPad time, extra sport, silly sock day, penalty shoot-out, and extra play - incredible and the children very happy - it really is wonderful to see them enjoy coming to school so do please continue to help them.  We still need to improve on punctuality across the school - it is so important for children to be at their desks and learning for the start of the first lesson - this is 8.45am.  Every child who completes a full week with no late arrivals has their name entered into the big end of term raffle also.  Well done to the many children who have 100% attendance since school commenced in September for this new academic year. 

Thank you for your support.

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead 


Autumn Term - 2022

We have returned this Autumn term of the new academic year as eager as ever to see great attendance and punctuality from our children - as ever it is very important that children attend school as often as possible in order for us to help them learn and grow.  There have been a number of illness absences and of course, if genuinely unwell it cannot be helped.  Lots and lots of children and classes have already seen rewards by playing the Classopoly board attendance initiative game - Penalty Shoot-Out, Cathedral Chest, Games in the Hall, Poptastic Dance, Go to the Movies (well done year 3 - first to land here this new academic year!), time in the reading cabin to name a few. Fantastic! We will of course be having our end of term big Attendance Raffle as we finish for Christmas - lots of rewards and certificates to give out there - amazing and the children very much look forward to these events. Please help your child be the best they can be by being in school every day and on time! Come and see us any time - we want to help, and if we all work together it can only benefit your children.

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead November 2022


Spring Term 1 - 2022

We made a great start to the new Spring term and we are now half way through this current academic year.  At this halfway stage we stand at an attendance of 94.8%.  The children are incredible with well over half the children on roll achieving 100% attendance since the start of the year last September 2021 - fantastic!  Classopoly continues with great success and on the last week of term (week commencing 14th February school achieved an amazing 97.6% attendance overall - this meant that many classes played be Classopoly board twice and those who didn't achieve school target individually, still played the board once.  Extra play time, biscuits/marshmallows and melted chocolate, extra I-Pad time, silly sock day, penalty shoot-out and a class non-uniform day - all rewards won for this week's efforts that will be given on the first week back after the half term. Much jollity in the hall assembly on the last day of half term! Also, we ensure that those children who attend school with no late arrivals in any one week have a raffle ticket to go in the class box - and the last attendance assembly after the Classopoly board was played, we held the raffle - in total between 8 classes there were 80 prizes handed out - well done to all - just for coming into school every day and being on time! Excellent stuff.  We will all strive, parents, children and staff to keep up the good work!

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead February 2022


End of Academic Year 2020/21 - How Did We Do?

End of year attendance - how did we do?  Pretty well in fact thanks to the efforts of everyone in our school community! As you know, we give attendance and punctuality a high profile at The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary.  What a year it has been in many ways yet despite the many hurdles that we have all had to overcome, you have successfully managed to get your children into school at every opportunity! Our school has been very fortunate in not having sent home any bubbles this academic year and this is some achievement – many thousands of children across the city of Salford have been regularly sent home to isolate with their bubble.  Our children never cease to amaze us with their resilience and determination, taking responsibility for their own attitude towards attendance and punctuality.  We very much hope to continue this into the new academic year this September 2021 onwards. 


We had a fabulous end of year Classopoly in each class where many certificates were given out, rewards and raffle prizes won – well done to everyone.  Our school achieved fantastic overall attendance despite the lockdown times and this will be reflected in the children’s progress for sure. For the available educational provision that children were able to attend, our end year attendance was 96.5% - this is really fantastic! Even when we take into account all absence due to the pandemic and covid we stand at over 82% attendance for this academic year and given the circumstances this is very good!


Happy holidays to all, take care, stay safe  and we can’t wait to see you in September - the Classopoly board attendance area has been upgraded and we wait for the game to begin! 

Summer 2021 - from 12th April

We continue to amaze with some fantastic efforts with attendance - our children have such resilience and cannot wait to be in school every day. Some classes have achieved incredible attendances every week - years 1, 2 3, and 4 with great levels for the past 4 weeks now - well done though to all classes who are trying hard.  Punctuality has become an issue, however, and we must see children arriving to school on time please every day.  They do not want to go into their classes late and so do please help them with this so they start the day with their classmates at the same time - thank you. 

Since returning to school on 8th March for all pupils, every class has won rewards for their weekly attendance levels - a whole range of rewards which include extra I-Pad time, extra play, crazy hair day, silly sock day, non-uniform day, Movies time, extra sport time, marshmallow and fruit fondue, and Cathedral Chest (where you can choose from a selection of rewards such as Dancetastic time in the hall, or Bowling Alley to name but two of the five on offer).  Needless to say, the children continue to thoroughly enjoy being rewarded this way and benefit from being in regularly which is reflected in their progress and learning. 

Each week, if a child is in school every day then they have a raffle ticket go in their class box and this is drawn on the last Classopoly of the term - prizes last time included some fabulous reading books, some Easter Eggs, art cases and other great rewards.  Thank you for efforts as parents to work with us, ensuring your children are in school as much as possible. 

Miss Jordan - School Attendance Lead

Classopoly Rewards Enjoyed By The Children - Dancetastic, Crazy Hair, Silly Socks - Fabulous Efforts also often win a prize!

Spring Term 2021

After another lockdown we have been really delighted to see out children back in school from 8th March - Classopoly is back in play, much to the delight of the children and already there have been rewards won - extra I-Pad time, Sit Where You Choose for the day, Parachute Time, Penalty Shoot-Out to name a few. All children who attend school every day in one week, without arriving late have their name put into the half termly raffle to win an prize - we want as many children as possible to benefit from their efforts and so far this has built up a resilience and determination from our lovely children to be in school.  It is a joy to support our children in developing their confidence and self-esteem, and watching the pride on their faces when they understand their actions, in coming to school regularly, is enabling them to learn - so they can be the very best version of themselves!  Thank you, parents and carers for your support also. 

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead - 22nd March 2021


New Academic Year 2020-2021

We have started our new academic year with enthusiasm and positivity, welcoming back all of our fantastic children and we can't tell you how wonderful it is to see them back in school.... and now, we are back on the Classopoly board and raring to go!!


Week ending Friday 4th December 

We we only have two weeks to go until we finish the autumn term on 18th December, for the Christmas holiday two week break!  We are delighted to see that our children have developed a real sense of pride around their attendance and seem determined to arrive at the end of this term, still having attended every day! Whole school attendance last week was 96.3% and if we take off any absences where children have been required to stay at home, which we are delighted to confirm is very few, our true attendance was 95.4% - this is good considering we are still in pandemic status!  Well done to all and thank you our wonderful parents for helping your children be in school and so progress with their learning.

Punctuality - there has been a rise in late arrivals at school and we need to ensure that children are arriving on time please. We are operating a staggered entry system to enable safety and appropriate distancing at the gates in a morning and afternoon  - it is crucial that your child arrives only 5 minutes before their entry time and not any earlier or later.  Parents should not assume that it is ok to arrive at another class opening time.  By law, children are expected to attend school for a number of hours each day - 15 minutes late coming into school each day equates to an hour and fifteen minutes of lost education each week which soon adds up as the weeks go by!  Please help your child by ensuring they arrive at school at their allocated time each day so they are accessing the full amount of educational time. Of course there are genuine instances when it is unavoidable, but this should not become the norm please. Thank you for your cooperation with this. 

Classopoly assembly has changed to a Monday morning from now on and it was good to see all the children come into the hall class by class so we could talk about their attendance and punctuality last week, and if hit target play the board of course!  Some good rewards again today - non-uniform day, extra sports time, extra playtime to name a few!  Year 3 have achieved a true attendance figure every week of over 99% and 100% on two week - all in the last 5 consecutive weeks - fabulous effort there! All classes are trying really hard and next week will be the last Classopoly before we finish for the Christmas break.  We will have our raffles for each class - for this second half term each child that has attended school for a full week receives a raffle ticket and this half term draw will be next Monday in Classopoly assembly - good luck to them all!


Week ending Friday 27th November

We continue to move from strength to strength with our attendance levels and this is definitely having an effect on our children and their education, narrowing those gaps from lockdown - we must keep up this very excellent work.  Thank you everyone - it can only benefit your children!


Attendance at the end of Friday 27th November for the whole school is a fabulous 97% year to date and 97.3% for the week - this is above the target of 96%.  Of course there are times when some children must isolate, in line with the current guidance, but we can confirm that this has not been often really, overall this autumn term.  We are still achieving 90%, year to date, if these other absences are taken into account.  We do not penalise classes for their attendance if any child has to isolate.  

This week ending Friday 27th November all classes achieved fabulous attendance, way above the 96% target. All classes played the board winning a whole host of rewards including, non uniform day, penalty shoot-out, crazy hair day, parachute time, extra play, extra sports time.  Fabulous!  Only 3 weeks to go - let's make them good ones, everyone. 


Week ending Friday 16th October - WOW! What a fantastic effort with an overall school attendance of 98.4% - fantastic and we say a massive "WELL DONE" to you parents for enabling your child to be in school as often as is possible with a positive mindset around good attendance and punctuality.  It is so beneficial to them to be in and learning - even more so in current climes.  Every class played Classopoly last week with a whole range of rewards including Extra I-Pad time, Movie session, Crazy Hair Day, Marshmallow Chocolate Fondue treat and Non-Uniform Day - how incredible are those rewards, just for being in school? See below for some pictures of year 5 pupils who made fabulous and fun efforts with their Crazy Hair Day reward recently.  EYFS have started the year with a fabulous effort Love it!!




Fantastic - new pupil Conchita really getting into the Crazy Hair theme - excellent!








Love it!








And finally the boys .... is that a bobble in Mr Dickinson's green sprayed hair!!


Week ending Friday 2nd October, we achieved a fabulous overall 97.1% for the week - an incredible effort. All classes except 1 managed to achieve the target with 4 of the 8 classes achieving 98% and above - which leads us to confirm that Nursery class was top of the board at 100% attendance. Fabulous and they celebrated with their own non-uniform day on Friday 9th October.


We played our first board on Friday 25th September, and we have been able to safely bring each class into the hall, appropriately distanced so they can play the board if their class has achieved the 96% target.  We are taking into account any who cannot be in school because they are having to stay at home due to having to self-isolate - so their classmates are not disadvantaged. 


Week ending Friday 25th September, on our first attendance board play,  we saw year 2 and year 4 achieve 96% with year 3 leading the way with a fantastic 100%! - Well done year 3 who played the board twice and won extra play along with non-uniform day. Year 4, with their first play won the coveted movie reward. 


Year to date, from 7th September until Friday 16th October, school has achieved 96.6% - again this is excellent.  We know it is difficult at the moment, and we want to reassure all our parents that we are doing everything we should be, and more, to make sure your children can come into school.  Parents are contacting us about possible absences and we are appropriately advising them, so all can stay safe.  We will aim to continue to secure good attendance as normal, where we can, and this is what the Local Authority and the DfE are also expecting us to do.  We have all played our part over the last 18 months to improve our mindset around good attendance and punctuality and we are seeing the effect this has had on resilience - our children want to be in school and are very happy to be back with us and us to have them.  This includes, staff, parents and pupils - it's a joint effort! 

Onwards! Take care everyone. 

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead - 20/10/20


1st November 2019 - update

Hello to everyone and welcome back after the half term October break.  I am pleased to provide an update for you on the wonderful attendance you are helping your children to achieve - this means they have fabulous opportunities to further increase their learning and progress.  Your children are a joy to teach and they love to be in school every day.  We can see, and appreciate the efforts that are also being made with punctuality, thank you. 


School is achieving a great attendance level so far this academic year (97.3%) and we can not impress enough upon you all how important it is to keep this going.  Of course, if children are genuinely ill then they can not be in school, but when they are well enough to be in, they are learning so much and taking part in all the wonderful activities being provided. 


Today was another positive and vibrant assembly in the afternoon where we celebrate good work and play Classopoly - your children are regularly landing on all manner of rewards on the board when they roll the dice.  This week, two classes achieved 100% attendance - Nursery and Reception classes - absolutely amazing!  Reception class won 3 plays on the board - one for achieving 100%, one for achieving school target of 96% or above and because the whole school achieved over 96% target and they had no late arrivals,  they played a third time! Three fun rewards for coming into school, on time every day.  Lots of classes had amazing attendance and punctuality this week with the following rewards being won - choose where you sit for the day, crazy hair day, cinema in the hall treat with popcorn and sweet treat, a choice from the Cathedral Chest, extra play outside, milkshake and biscuits, time in the reading cabin, parachute time and extra I-Pad time - how fantastic is that!  Keep up the good work and we are always here to assist if you need to ask any questions.  We appreciate your hard work as parents and by us all working together, your children are being the best that they can be - they're amazing! Thank you.

Miss Jordan - Attendance Lead - 01/11/19


September 2019

Here we are already into the new academic year 2019/2020, and making huge efforts with our attendance - our children are amazing and engaging positively in their progress and learning because they are in school regularly - thank you to all our parents and carers who help their children to do this.  It is having a proven impact on their education and wellbeing.  We are honoured to teach your children and it is wonderful to see them in school every day - they are learning so much!


Last academic year 2018/2020 saw the introduction of our Classopoly Attendance and Punctuality initiative which was very successful.  The children are thoroughly engaged in this whole school initiative and we have seen amazing whole class attendance figures so far this new year.  We need to secure and sustain good attendance this year and keep it going as it is vital to your children achieving to the best of their abilities.  With good attendance we can help them, teach them and nurture them, along with you as parents and carers with us all working together.  Thank you to all for your efforts so far and going forward. 


In the last academic year our whole school attendance improved by 0.5% - this is fantastic...but needs to improve further this year if we are to achieve near the target of 96%.  Punctuality also continues to be of concern.  It is very important that our children arrive on time to class each day; that they have time to sit and be ready in a calm way before their first lesson starts.  We have found that children do not like having to walk into their class, clearly late in front to their class mates.  We appreciate the local traffic problems and the road closures due to works being completed locally, but we all also know that the traffic is and will always be bad, and that the road closures will continue till after Christmas time.  We would respectfully ask that you take this into consideration when planning your journey. 


We look forward to an exciting year teaching your children and watching them grow along with working with our wonderful parents and carers.  Please come and speak to me at any time if you have any queries or questions regarding attendance and punctuality and I will endeavour to assist wherever possible.  Alternatively, you know that Mrs Hanley the Head is always available to talk to you.


Thank you everyone!

Miss Jordan - School Attendance Lead


Monday 30th October ~ Friday 4th October 2019

All classes had a fabulous reward for good attendance when they played Classopoly on this week:

Nursery chose to all sit where they wanted for the day

Reception won extra time on the IPads

Year 1 (100% fabulous attendance!!) won extra IPad time and a Crazy Hair Day

Year 2 won the choice of a prize on Cathedral Chest and chose Bowling

Year 3 won the enviable Movie reward

Year 4 won milkshake and biscuit treat

Year 5 won the choice of a prize on Cathedral Chest

Year 6 won extra IPad time

Fabulous hard-earned rewards for the children - school achieved over the 96% target this week but unfortunately, as there were children late in every class on this week then there was no a second turn for everyone - the children could have had another reward.  Those children who were in school 100% and on time also put their names into the class raffle box for the chance to win a prize at the end of term - how amazing is that!  This happens every week.


Well done to everyone who was in school and on time last week - there was much celebration on playing Classopoly in the Good News Assembly last Friday.  Let us all keep up the good work.


2018/2019 Academic Year


17/05/2019 - Thank you all for linking in to see what is happening with school attendance. From September 2018 till 16th May, school overall attendance is 95.2% ~ we need to continue the good work as we strive to achieve the given target of 96%.

We would like to thank you all for your efforts in the past few weeks in ensuring your children are in school as much as possible.  We are really seeing the difference with the progress your children are making and this is the main reason we want to encourage excellent attendance.  We all want them to achieve to their very best ability and by being in school they can do this. 

It is absolutely vital that we all keep up the good efforts for the remainder of this academic year - this is only just over 7 school weeks in total (not including the forthcoming two week whit holidays).  We can do it if we continue to all work together.

Absence requests in term time will not generally be authorised - you need to ensure your child attends school every day as required by the Department for Education. 

Classopoly ~ lots of classes regularly play Classopoly in the Friday morning Good News Assembly, and it continues to be a positive attendance and punctuality initiative.  The children strive to be in all the time, and on time.  Late arrivals at school can affect a class who may not achieve class attendance that week but as a school it is achieved - normally, with no lates that week such a class would have a play ....but if they have lates that week then then their play is forfeit.  Please help your child to arrive at school on time; this has been a problem recently,  but by working together we can improve.  Your children are the ones who benefit.  Thank you.


Latest rewards for Classopoly this week.... time in the reading cabin, time on the tyre park, choose from the Cathedral Chest rewards (Bingo, poptastic dance in the hall, bring in a game to play in class, Karaoke, bowling), sit where you choose for the day, penalty shoot-out and silly sock day.  I am sure you will agree that these 6 classes who achieved target or above this week have won amazing treats. 


26/04/2019 - Welcome everyone to the update on school attendance and punctuality.  We hope you all had an enjoyable Easter with your children and families. 

Whole school attendance year to date (5th September 2018-25th April 2019) ~ 94.9%

Whole school attendance for the Classopoly play period 12th April till 25th April 2019 - 92.8%

School has somewhat struggled to maintain the fantastic attendance levels seen at the end of the Spring Term and to date our whole school attendance is now 94.9% - showing a reduction from 95.2% only 6 weeks ago.  This may only seem a small reduction but it  represents a lot of absences from many children.  It is so important that our children are in school, on time every day in order for them to fulfil their potential.  We thank you wholeheartedly for ensuring your children do this.  Punctuality is also an issue and so please do make sure your child arrives at school on time every day.  It is really important that we all continue the good work currently in action to further improve our attendance as we strive for the 96% target we are given.  We will help you as much as possible so please come to see us if you need assistance.  Please also remember that holidays in term time are not acceptable and you must discuss any proposed absence in term time, in advance with the Head Teacher, thank you.  The advice from the Local Education Authority Education Welfare Officer in relation to unauthorised holidays is to consider imposing a penalty fine  - this would be for each absent child, payable by each parent.  Progress and attainment is severely affected by block amounts of time off for unauthorised absences.

Classopoly - Played 26/04/2019:

One class - year 2,  managed a play on Classopoly this week with an amazing 98.9% attendance which is amazing - landing on the ? square and so can choose whichever reward from any of the street named rewards on the board.  Well done to that class. All other classes were disappointed that they didn't achieve a play on the board but we can see they are determined to have a go next week.  Of course, the children who have been in school 100% of the time for the period of play received their ticket for the prize draw at the end of term.  From this week onwards these tickets will also only be awarded to those children not only achieving 100% attendance but also arriving in school on time.  All the school discussed this issue in assembly and agreed this was fair.  Please help your child by attending every day, and by being on time.  Thank you again for your cooperation in helping your child become the best that they can be!



15/03/2019 - A warm welcome to you and thank you for tuning into the Classopoly attendance and punctuality page for an update.  We would like to thank you all for continuing to ensure that your wonderful children attend school, and on time, regularly.  It is really having an impact on their progress and attainment.  The past three weeks have seen amazing whole class attendance figures for most classes.  Please remember that if your child arrives very late for school it could mean that they have to be recorded as missing a full morning in the register - this has meant, on one or two occasions that a class has missed the 96% target.  Everyone needs to be in school on time please.  To help you, some considerable time ago,  we decided to open the classroom doors ten minutes earlier than the start of school day - they are open at 8.45am and this means all children have the chance to be sitting at their desk and ready for the first lesson to commence at 8.55am. There have been some great rewards for classes  - please see pictures below - our children are thoroughly enjoying the Classopoly Attendance reward system which is contributing to the school's overall rise in attendance - we are now achieving 95.1% heading upwards towards the nationally set target of 96%.  We still have a way to travel but we are absolutely positive that by working together we can all get there.  Your children benefit so much from regular attendance and good punctuality - keep up the good efforts and thank you!


Week ending Thursday 14th March 2019 - whole school achieved 96.9% - Just Amazing!

YEAR 2           100%           WHAT, AGAIN! - 2 plays on Classopoly winning a non-uniform day on Friday 22nd March, and Penalty Shoot-out

YEAR 1           99.6%    ASTOUNDING! - 1 play winning I-Pad time

YEAR 4           97.7%   INCREDIBLE! - 1 play winning milkshake and biscuits treat

NURSERY       97.0%   EXCELLENT! - 1 play winning extra playground time

YEAR 3           96.3%   UNBELIEVABLE! - 1 play winning  extra playground time

YEAR 6           95.9%   OOH Nearly! - whole school attendance for the week  of 96.9% - Fabulous means 1 play - Movie in the hall - Lucky

RECEPTION    95.7%   Almost! -whole school attendance for the week  of 96.9% - Fabulous means 1 play - Milkshake and biscuits treat - Yum

YEAR 5           91.5%   Come on Yr5! - whole school attendance for the week  of 96.9% - Fabulous means 1 play - Silly Sock Day - Go for it Yr 5!

Today - Friday 15th March was designated "Whole school crazy hair day" which has been embraced by all, pupils and staff alike with more fabulous styling of hair.  We are keeping certain well-know hair shops in business we believe as demand for all manner of hair accessories increases.  Keep it up - it is wonderful to see so much creativity!  take a look at some pictures of crazy hair styles along with other rewards our children have been having.

Classopoly Rewards

The end of the first Spring Term 2019 in February saw us reach the mid-year point of the academic year 2018/19 - how is our attendance progressing?


We are pleased to report that school has improved on its overall attendance by 0.4% - it now stands at 94.9%.  The number of children who are classed as "persistently absent" has also improved - but it needs to improve even more!  Children need to be in school every day in order to have the best possible chance of achieving their potential and we are here to help.  We still have some way to go in order to achieve the target but with consistent efforts, working together we can all do this - it can only benefit our children and thank you for your efforts.  It is so important - your children love being in and their class taking a turn on Classopoly when they manage to achieve the target of 96% or above.


In the week after returning from the February half term school managed to achieve 96.8% - amazing result and this meant every class took a turn on Classopoly and won a reward - this is what they won on the board:

Nursery                     Extra Sports Play

Reception                 Party Games in the Hall

Year 1                       Extra I-Pad Time

Year 2                       Silly Sock Day

                                  Extra Playtime

                                  Choice from Cathedral Chest

Year 3                      Crazy Hair Day

Year 4                      Silly Sock Day

Year 5                     Crazy Hair Day

Year 6                     Non-Uniform Day

For the week Friday 8th February 2019 till and including

Thursday 14th February 2019


Great efforts again this week with 3 classes achieving the school target of 96% or more - and another 3 classes who only just missed it! - an amazing effort by all.  The rewards won this week in our assembly, much enjoyed by all....include.....


Year 2  (98.6%) ~ Parachute time.

Year 4  (98.5%) ~ ? Choose from any street name - well done year 4 with a fabulous effort!

Year 3  (96.7%) ~ Party games in the hall. 


Year 2 classroom door 

Fabulous display of certificates for having won a weekly play on Classopoly!



Also in assembly were year 6, who last week won a Crazy Hair Day reward and they didn't let themselves down with some amazing efforts. Take a look...


                             Year 6 Crazy Hair Classopoly Reward - Fantastic!                                                                                          


For the week Friday 1st February 2019 till and including Thursday 8th February 2019.....

Everyone in school has made a fantastic effort this week and 6 classes managed to achieve the school target of 96% or more - one class with 100% - an amazing effort by all and thank you parents for your input.  There was great excitement in the Classopoly attendance assembly... the rewards won include:

Reception                 Going to the Movies!

Year 1                        Extra playground time

Year 2                        Penalty shoot-out

Year 3                        Parachute time

Year 5                        ? Choose from any street name

Year 6                        ? Choose from any street name

(100% 2 plays)          Marshallow Fondue


How fabulous ~ and of course we also celebrate every week in assembly all children who have managed to come in 100% - 5 days for that week - their given ticket is put in their class tub ready for the raffle at the end of term.

Our wonderful children are benefitting from good attendance and punctuality and it is a whole school effort from our fantastic parents, our hard-working and dedicated staff,  and of course our amazing children!

Year 1 Classopoly Bowling 🎳

Lots of rewards have been won by all classes in the weeks since we commenced with Classopoly in mid November 2018 - the children continue to make great efforts and are enthusiastic about their rewards and we all want to encourage this.


Year 2 for one of their rewards wore odd/silly socks - here are a few pictures ....


Click on this link for the school Attendance and Punctuality Policy
  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
We've had 1 1 3 5 2 0 visitors