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The Governing Body

The Governing Body of

The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary

The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary has a supportive and committed Governing Body bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to our school.  This is a body of people who work in partnership with the Head Teacher, staff, parents, Salford Diocese and Salford Local Authority – all working together towards the continuing improvement in standards and achievement at our school, whilst following our Mission Statement.

The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary is a voluntary aided school regulated by the Roman Catholic Diocese and largely financed by the local authority.  Whilst the Head Teacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, as delegated by the Governing Body, they are responsible for policy and strategy.

Our school governors are very approachable and more than happy to speak to parents about matters relating to the management of the school. They can be contacted via sealed letter to school which can be forwarded, or by contacting the Governor Services team at Salford Local Authority.

A legal responsibility of the Governing Body is that they must meet a least once every term and several times on various sub-committees.  Some Governors have link responsibilities in certain areas such as safeguarding, health and safety, ICT, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – this allows the nominated governor to focus on their area working closely with the relevant school staff and feed back to the full governing body which in turn assists them with their role and future direction of the school.

The Governing Body is made from several areas:

  • The Church – Foundation governors are appointed by Salford Diocese

  • School – Staff governor is a teacher and the Head Teacher is also a staff governor

  • Salford Local Authority – there is one link governor from the local authority

  • Parent governors – are elected by the parents of the school.

  • The Clerk to the Governing Body is appointed by Salford Local Authority


Governor areas for responsibility include:

  • Implementing the National Curriculum and its assessment procedures to be carried out

  • Ensuring Religious Education is carried out according to the Diocesan education framework

  • Challenging the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • Approve and review policies

  • Staff appointments, pay and grading, other aspects of staff management

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Premises improvement and repair

Who Are The Governors?
The current serving governing body is as follows:


Mr Iain Clarke

Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

Reverend Michael Jones

Vice-Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

Mrs Diane HanleyHead Teacher/Staff Governor
Mrs Julie HamerStaff Governor
Dr Anthony HeskethFoundation Governor
Mrs Victoria DicksonFoundation Governor
Mrs Julija RomanovaParent Governor
Dr Opeoluwa AiyenitajuParent Governor
Mrs Conchita AngladaFoundation Governor
Royston ColacoFoundation Governor


The Governing Body of The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary

All governors access the Governor Hub online application set up by Salford Local Authority where all declarations and training records are held. This is regularly reviewed and monitored and noted in minutes of meetings. 


< to be added - attendance at meetings for all governors for the academic year 2018/19 and 2019/20>

Meeting Attendance for Academic Year 2021/2022

Spring Term - 2022

Full Meeting - 10/03/2022

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - (via Zoom) - LA Link

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Mrs V Dickson - Foundation

>  Dr A Hesketh - Foundation

>  Mrs C Conception-Anglada - Foundation


>  Linda Jordan - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Curriculum - 17/02/2022

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

>  Cllr R Mashiter - (via Zoom) - LA Link

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs V Dickson - Did not attend

>  Dr A Hesketh - Did not attend

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Foundation

> Mrs J Hamer - Staff

> Sister B Matterson - Did not attend


>  Alison Ginns - Curriculum Lead SLT

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Health and Safety, Sites and Premises - 17/02/2022

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Cllr R Mashiter - (via Zoom) - LA Link

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Finance and Pay - 17/02/2022

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Cllr R Mashiter - (via Zoom) - LA Link

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT



Sub-Committee Meeting - Staffing - 17/02/2022


>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Cllr R Mashiter - (via Zoom) - LA Link

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Autumn Term - 2021

Full Meeting - 18/11/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs V Dickson - Did not attend

>  Mrs C Conception-Anglada - Foundation

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Fr M Jones - Did not attend

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Sister B Matterson - Foundation

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Curriculum - 04/11/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs V Dickson - Did not attend

>  Ms C Astin - Foundation

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Did not attend

>  Dr A Hesketh - Foundation

> Mrs J Hamer - Staff

> Sister B Matterson - Foundation


>  Kate Campbell - Deputy Head Teacher

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Health and Safety, Sites and Premises - 04/11/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff


>  Kate Campbell - Deputy Head Teacher

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Finance and Pay - 04/11/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT



Sub-Committee Meeting - Staffing - 04/11/2021


>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT



Meeting Attendance for 07/09/2020-18/12/2021


Summer Term - 2021

Full Meeting - 15/07/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair/Foundation

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - Did not attend

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Mrs V Dickson - Did not attend

>  Dr A Hesketh - Foundation

>  Mrs C Conception-Anglada - Foundation

>  Sr B Matterson - Foundation


>  Linda Jordan - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Curriculum - 01/07/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Did not attend

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair and Chair this meeting

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs V Dickson - Did not attend

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Foundation

>  Dr A Hesketh - Did not attend

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Sister B Matterson - Foundation


>  Alison Ginns - Creative Curriculum Lead/SLT

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Health and Safety, Sites and Premises - 01/07/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Did not attend

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair and Chair this meeting

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Sister B Matterson - Foundation

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Foundation

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff


>  Alison Ginns - Creative Curriculum Lead/SLT

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Finance and Pay - 01/07/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Did not attend

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair and Chair this meeting

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Sister B Matterson - Foundation


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT



Sub-Committee Meeting - Staffing - 01/07/2021


>  Mr I Clarke - Did not attend

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair and Chair this meeting

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Sister B Matterson - Foundation


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Spring Term - 2021

Full Meeting - 

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair/Foundation

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link governor

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Mrs M Holdsworth - Parent

>  Mrs V Dickson - Foundation

>  Sr B Matterson - Foundation


>  Linda Jordan - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Curriculum - 04/02/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governing Body

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair of Governing Body

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link governor

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Mrs M Holdsworth - Parent

>  Mrs V Dickson - did not attend

>  Sr B Matterson - Foundation


>  Alison Ginns - Creative Curriculum Lead/SLT

>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Health and Safety, Sites and Premises - 04/02/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governing Body

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair of Governing Body

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs M Holdsworth - Foundation

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link governor

>  Mrs J Hamer - Staff


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Sub-Committee Meeting - Finance and Pay - 04/02/2021

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governing Body

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair of Governing Body

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link governor


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT



Sub-Committee Meeting - Staffing - 04/02/2021


>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governing Body

>  Fr M Jones - Vice Chair of Governing Body

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Cllr R Mashiter - LA link governor


>  Linda Jordan  - SBM/SLT


Meeting Attendance for Academic Year 2020/2021

Autumn Term - 2020

Full Governing Body Meeting - 12/11/2020

In Attendance:

>  Mr I Clarke - Chair of Governors/Foundation

>  Mrs D Hanley - Head Teacher and Staff

>  Mrs V Dickson - Foundation

>  Ms C Astin - Foundation

>  Mrs J Romanova-Goncalves - Parent

>  Fr M Jones - Vice/Chair

> Mrs J Hamer - Staff

> Sister B Matterson - Foundation

Did Not Attend

> Cllr R Mashiter - LA link


Declaration of Pecuniary Interest - There were no declarations.


All of the Autumn Term Sub-Committee meeting were held on 22/10/2020

All Governors serve on the Curriculum sub-committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee Attendance

> Mr I Clarke - Attended

> Fr M Jones - Did not attend

> Mrs D Hanley - Attended

> Ms C Astin - Attended

> Mrs J Hamer - Attended

> Cllr R Mashiter - Did not attend

> Mrs J Romanova-Gonclaves - Attended

> Sr B Matterson - Attended

> Mrs Madelene Holdsworth - Attended

> Mrs V Dickson - Attended


Health and Safety, Sites and Premises Sub-Committee Attendance

> Mr I Clarke - Attended

> Mrs D Hanley - Attended

> Mrs C Astin - Attended

> Mrs J Hamer - Attended

> Mrs Madeleine Holdsworth - Attended


Finance and Pay Sub-Committee Attendance

> Mr I Clarke - Attended

> Mrs D Hanley - Attended

> Ms C Astin - Attended

> Cllr R Mashiter - Did not attend


Staffing Sub-Committee Attendance

> Mr I Clarke - Attended

> Mrs D Hanley - Attended

> Ms C Astin - Attended

> Fr M Jones - Attended


Terms of Reference for Governor Sub-committees

Curriculum Committee

To consider and advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the school’s curriculum policy. i.e.

  • To monitor progress on the School Improvement Plan
  • To monitor progress of pupils in school
  • To monitor and evaluate performance data for all children in relation to:

  • Standards of learning on entry.

  • Standards of learning of children at the end of Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2.

  • Progress in learning during a child’s time on roll at the school.

  • To review the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant and Sports Grant (and anyother grant distributed by central government/LA).
  • To receive reports from School Improvement Personnel or Leadership Team,where appropriate.
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body.
  • Receive and review information on pupil attendance and compare (benchmark) against other schools.
  • To make arrangements for the Governing Body to be represented at School Improvement discussions with the LA and for reports to be received by the Governing Body.
  • To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in
  • specific areas of provision, e.g. Literacy, Numeracy.
  • To assist with ensuring that the requirements of pupils with additional and special educational needs are met, including those identified as gifted and talented.
  • Religious Education curriculum ~ To implement the Religious Education

    curriculum and the follow the advice and guidance from Salford Diocese.


Health and Safety, Sites and Premises Committee

Membership - At least 3 governors, one of whom will act as chair.

Chair - Either appointed by the governing body or elected by the committee (the full governing body to determine). The governing body can chair any time.

Quorum - To consist of 3 members or more.

Meetings - At least once a term in conjunction with the full governing body meeting, and otherwise as required.

Agendas - To be circulated to all governors one week before meeting by the Chair of the committee. Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only. To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting.

Minutes/Confidential Minutes - Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and/or a record of any proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for any decision taken.

Review - Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.



The Buildings and Premises Committee is responsible for monitoring state of the fabric, environment and grounds of the school, and also for ensuring procedures are in place and are followed, as required under heath and safety legislation, related to routine maintenance and larger projects. In addition to ensure that all school trips take place in accordance with all the legislation, guidance, and school adopted policies, related to educational visits.


Buildings and Premises Function

Specifically the terms of reference are:

  • To provide support and guidance to the head teacher on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, security, and health and safety.
  • To be aware of the specific responsibilities of governors in regard to premises and to ensure that the local authority is informed of any matters for which it has responsibility.
  • To review the costs, and arrangements, for maintenance, repairs, and redecoration and the contracts associated with these functions.
  • To inspect the premises and grounds, at least annually (ideally once per term), and prepare a report on their condition with a proposed order of priority for maintenance and development, in accordance with the priorities identified within the school asset management plan (AMP).
  • To provide support and guidance to the head teacher on matters relating to refurbishment/adaptation/alteration/extension construction projects including: -
  • Health and safety requirements (including CDM requirements)
  • Planning requirements
  • Building regulation requirements
  • Department for Education (DfE) requirements
  • Disability Discrimination Act guidance
  • DfE building bulletins
  • Ensuring that the school Asset Management Plan (AMP) is updated
  • Notification of projects to the Children’s Services Directorate health and safety section
  • Ensuring all contractors’ competence and that adequate insurance is taken out


Health and Safety Function

  • To review annually the school’s health and safety policy and make any necessary decisions and/or recommendations to the governing body.
  • To undertake an annual health and safety audit of the school premises and report on the same to the governing body, and to receive regular updates from school staff.
  • To undertake an annual (termly) health and safety inspection of the school premises and report on the same to the Governing Body. (N.B. Quarterly/termly, partial inspections can undertaken to reduce the burden of undertaking a single inspection annually. The local authority’s inspection tool should be used as this is the tool used by the health and safety team. This can be downloaded from: and right clicking the mouse to save the file onto a PC before opening. (NB Microsoft ACCESS is required to open the file).
  • To ensure that the school complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), associated regulations including the:
    • Control of Asbestos 2006,
    • Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007,
    • Environmental Protection Act 1990.


  • To ensure that the school complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), and all other primary and secondary health and safety legislation.
  • To ensure that the school has an education visits policy in place and that the school organises educational visits that comply with the Educational Visits guidelines adopted by the governing body (Salford Children’s Services produce guidelines reflect current legislation).
  • To ensure that the school has an emergency policy and emergency plan agreed and in place.
  • To have responsibility for school security policies and practices to ensure all pupils, persons who work at the school, or on the school site, or visit the school are as safe and secure as possible.
  • To ensure that all persons working at, or visiting, the school site are aware of the relevant health, safety and security requirements.
  • To ensure that all new school staff undertake the relevant health, safety, and security, induction training.
  • To ensure that governors’ responsibilities are discharged regarding litter under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
  • To prepare a lettings policy (if appropriate) for the approval of the governing body.
  • To consider and make recommendations of risk management and insurance arrangements with regard to vandalism, and other matters relating to the security of the premises.
  • To monitor all accidents which take place on the school site, and take appropriate and timely action, as and when necessary.
  • To contribute to the school Improvement/development plan as appropriate.


NB: The safety of staff/pupils and visitors to school during normal school activities is primarily the responsibility of the Head teacher.


Finance and Pay Committee

Membership - At least 3 governors, one of whom will act as chair.

Chair - Either appointed by the governing body or elected by the committee (the full governing body to determine). The governing body can chair any time.

Quorum - To consist of 3 members or more.

Meetings - At least once a term in conjunction with the full governing body meeting, and otherwise as required.

Agendas - To be circulated to all governors one week before meeting by the Chair of the committee. Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only. To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting.

Minutes/Confidential Minutes - Minutes to include a brief summary of items discussed, decisions made and/or a record of any proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, and clear reasons for any decision taken.

Confidential items related to pay, or individuals, are only to be circulated to members of the committee who are not paid members of staff.

Review - Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.

Aims - The Finance and Pay Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial situation of the school, including the pay of staff.

  • To ensure that the Financial Management Standard in Schools criteria are met at all times, and that procedures are in place to ensure this.

  • To advise and make recommendations on all financial matters.

  • To ensure that a three year financial plan and or projections, for the school, are in place.

  • To review and recommend to the governing body the financial delegation policy for approval.

  • To implement, and monitor, the scheme for financial delegation for the school.

  • That all Department for Children School and Families and local authority financial regulations are followed and adhered to.

  • To set the school budget and monitor its implementation and management (if the committee has delegated responsibility).

  • To approve and monitor capital expenditure.

  • To approve and monitor any service level agreements and contracts entered into by the school.

  • To monitor the expenditure of specific, designated funds.

  • To receive and approve the audited accounts for the school.

  • To liaise with the staffing committee, with regards to staffing structures, and staff appointments.

  • To provide reliable information and make appropriate recommendations and decisions to enable the governing body to comply with required financial regulations.

  • To ensure that appropriate financial procedures are in place for all other school held funds, including annual audit of the accounts, and the school fund.

    Pay Function

  • To hold an annual meeting (excluding any paid staff but including the head teacher) to review changes in the pay and conditions arrangements for staff, incorporating recommendations from the head teacher and the council, and where required, the results of consultations with staff and their union representatives.

  • To receive recommendations from the Head teachers Performance Management Review Panel when considering the head teachers pay (paid staff of the school and the head teacher should withdraw for this item).

  • To consider (following the withdrawal of the head teacher and other paid members of the school staff from the meeting), the payment of the head teacher for the forthcoming year. Human resources are to be consulted regarding any proposals for changes in the ISR.

  • To ensure that proper liaison takes place with the city council in respect of the pay function and that procedures are in place for all necessary documentation to be supplied to the council for payroll purposes.


Staffing Committee

Membership - At least 3 governors, one of whom will act as chair.

Chair - Either appointed by the governing body or elected by the committee (the full governing body to determine). The governing body can chair any time.

Quorum - To consist of 3 members or more.

Meetings - At least once a term in conjunction with the full governing body meeting, and otherwise as required.

Agendas - To be circulated to all governors one week before meeting by the Chair of the committee. Accompanying papers to be circulated to members of the committee only. To be circulated to all members as soon as possible after the date of the meeting, or with the agenda papers for the next full governing body meeting.

Minutes to be circulated to all committee members for ordinary meetings but for any appointments/hearings only to those members who have served on the committee at that appointment/hearing, and distributed in accordance with the required timescales, within the procedure being used. Any reports to governors who were not present at a hearing, including the full governing body, to only include a brief summary of the main issues, if appropriate, and a record of any decisions made, and/or proposals/recommendations for the governing body to consider, if appropriate, and that are also not confidential.

Arrangements for any meeting that is a hearing will be made by the school/ person appointed as Clerk to the Governing Body. All other meetings to be arranged by the chair of the committee.

Review - Membership, terms of reference and working procedures to be reviewed annually at the autumn term governing body meeting.

The Strategic Director for Children’s Services, or his/her representative, have the right to attend any hearing, offer advice prior to, and at any hearing, as appropriate, and subject to any service level agreement that is in place.

Advice - The Strategic Director for Children’s Services, or his/her representative, have the right to attend any hearing, offer advice prior to, and at any hearing, as appropriate, and subject to any service level agreement that is in place.

The remit of the Staffing Committee will be to deal with any appointments of staff as delegated to it by the governing body, to deal with issues related to staff capability, grievance, disciplinary matters including dismissals only where the exceptional circumstances referred to above may apply. The head teacher may attend and offer advice at all relevant proceedings.

  • Where delegated to this committee by the governing body, to review, agree and implement the procedures for the recruitment, selection and appointment of teaching and support staff, including those on the leadership pay spine.

  • The full governing body will seek advice and support from the school Human Resources Adviser, and School Improvement Officer (and/or diocese if appropriate), and not the Staffing Committee, for the appointment of a head teacher.

  • To review policies relating to staffing matters as required.

  • To ensure that procedures are in place for managing staffing issues, through adoption of local authority model policies or diocesan ones, where applicable, and to ensure that all staff are made aware of these.

  • In liaison with the committee(s) responsible for finance and pay, determine the school staffing requirements and establish the annual and longer term salary budgets and other costs relating to staffing matters e.g. training, in accordance with the budgets available.

  • To ensure that appropriate performance management policies and procedures are in place in accordance with local and national requirements, and that they relate to the school improvement/development processes and the continued professional development of school staff.

  • Monitor the operation and outcomes of performance management arrangements, and review the policy, and its operation, every year.

  • To ensure that opportunities and resources are available for continued professional development for all staff, and are implemented with reference to the School Improvement/Development Plan.

  • To review the staffing structure whenever a vacancy occurs, and at least annually, in relation to the School Improvement/Development Plan.

  • To review all staffing related procedures, and adopt/recommend them for adoption, and to ensure that staff are informed of them.

  • To liaise with the committee(s) responsible for finance and/or pay in reviewing the pay policy.

  • To review job descriptions and person specifications as appropriate.

  • To contribute to the School Improvement/Development Plan where appropriate.

    Staff capability, grievance, disciplinary and dismissal functions

    To work within the policies/procedures adopted by the governing body or committee (and within any delegated responsibilities), and to formally hear any cases related to a member of school staff under the procedures, as adopted by the governing body.

  • The committee is responsible for implementing (when necessary) the school capability, grievance and disciplinary procedures for staff where, for the exceptional reasons outlined above, the head teacher cannot hear the case.


All committee Terms of Reference for school are reviewed in the Autumn Term, every year.


Declaration  by Governors of Personal, Pecuniary and Business Interests

Each year all members of the Governing Body are required to complete a declaration form - any declarations must be published.


For the academic year 2020/2021 - there have been no declarations made by any of the school governors of the following with regard their position as a governor of The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RC Primary:

  • A personal interest.

  • A pecuniary/business interest (direct or indirect).

  • An interest that would contravene the principles of natural justice (i.e. their involvement would compromise the Governing Body’s ability to hold a fair hearing).




  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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