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Health (including emotional health and wellbeing)

At Cathedral School:


  • Medication is kept in a safe area and must be handed to the Head Teacher. Any medication must be signed for at the school office.
  • Staff are trained in how to use inhalers. These are kept in classrooms for children to access when needed.
  • Close liaison with the school nurse and other health professionals, who provide training on administering epi pens and insulin when appropriate.
  • A large proportion of our teaching staff are trained paediatric first aiders.
  • If any accidents or injuries occur in school, teachers must fill out the accident book and send a blue form home to inform you. If any head injuries occur, you are also informed via text at the same time.
  • Our intimate care policy indicates how any additional needs will be met, for example toilet training accidents in Foundation Stage or other personal care needs. Any such needs must be actively discussed through a meeting with Senior Management and parents.
  • In case of a medical emergency, staff are trained to call 999 first and parents after, to allow a rapid response from emergency services.
  • If medical care plans are needed, parents and professionals will be directly involved in creating the care plan alongside the SENCO.
  • If we are informed of any allergies by parents, we consider it to be good practice to contact the school nurse to ask for advice.
  • Care plans are shared with relevant staff and appropriate training is provided.


Emotional Health and Wellbeing


  • Our classes use My Happy Mind, a web-based programme which promotes mental well-being and resilient, balanced and happy minds.
  • We also follow the Diocese of Salford's "In The Beginning" sex and relationships programme, which teaches children how to use God's love for them in a positive way.
  • Our Learning Mentor makes use of our Reggio Room to create a calm space for children to discuss issues that they may have.
  • We employ a restorative justice approach to arguments, where children are brought together to find a way forward that is meaningful to both parties. This enables children to grow emotionally and be more sympathetic towards others, including those with SEND and making reasonable adjustments to school life where necessary.
  • Children are also given the opportunity to speak to a counsellor from CARITAS. CARITAS can also work with families who are experiencing difficulties.
  • Our traffic light system for behaviour in class allows children to be rewarded for appropriate behaviour. Where behaviour is not acceptable, children are given the opportunity to earn back any warnings issued. The system is monitored and parents are informed if patterns of inappropriate behaviour are seen.
  • The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John R.C. Primary
  • Mount Street, Salford, M3 6LU (Sat Nav M3 6AY)
  • Email : stpeter&
  • Telephone : 0161 834 4150
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